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Bob & Rachel

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Bob and Rachel have almost 30 years of full-time overseas experience and almost two decades of living and working in war-torn Islamic countries. Bob is a life-long student, practitioner, and trainer in the area of shepherd leadership and life development. He has worked with numerous field leaders across multiple sectors in the for-profit, non-profit, para-church, and educational worlds in more than 300 organizations. Bob (BS, Moody Bible Institute), has over 15 years of experience serving in the Persian and Turkic regions of the world as a humanitarian aid worker, team leader, and Country Director of a large international team operating in the high-risk environment of Central Asia. Rachel holds four degrees including an MEd (Bethel University) and a Doctor of Religious Studies (Trinity Theological Seminary). Together they provide consulting, training, debriefing, pastoral counseling, leadership training, crisis response, developing materials, and monitoring global trends and opportunities while focusing on global workers in high-risk and unreached areas.