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Barry & Ruth Nelson

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The Nelsons serve with Barnabas International and have lived in Tracy, MN since returning to the States from China in July 2020.  They have nine children (Naomi, Josiah, Caleb, Anna, Noah, Grace, Isaiah, Lydia, and Hope) and six grandchildren.  They are not ready to be empty nesters and love having their two youngest daughters (Lydia & Hope) at home finishing their high school years. 

The Nelsons desire to see global workers flourish on the field.  They have always valued the deep friendships they nurtured while serving with other global workers during their 29 years in Asia.  It is through these friendships that ministry happened!  Missionaries need a friend…someone that sees them (dirt and all), yet loves them and invests in their lives because they are valuable to God…someone that challenges them to become more like Jesus every day (Romans 8:29).  The Nelsons want to offer this type of friendship to every global worker they serve.  They love encouraging others by spending time with them, helping them with ministry projects or household repairs, and reminding them of God’s great promises from His word.