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Bradford Legacy Fund

Having now been in the role of Executive Director at Barnabas International, it is clear to me that the Lord has faithfully shepherded and cared for Barnabas throughout this transition. I can joyfully and thankfully report that the transition from Perry to myself has been good and smooth.  In their book Succession, Peter Greer and Doug Fagerstrom write, “A successful succession is about preserving the long-term health and vitality of mission.  It’s about excitement and anticipation as a new season begins.  It’s about being prepared, not panicked.”  This describes the work of the Barnabas board, Perry, and the Leadership Team during this past season.  Through the prayer and preparation of these leaders, and supporters such as yourself,  Barnabas is in a great position for many future years of ministry.   And I, along with my wife, are incredibly honored to be a part of such a legacy of shepherding and care.  

I am writing to you today because through the years you have continued to faithfully encourage, financially support, and pray for Barnabas International, as well as Perry and Sandi.  And though Perry and Sandi are now officially retired (as of January 1, 2024), the mission and work of Barnabas goes forward.  

I want to introduce you to the Bradford Legacy Fund.  This fund is designed to allow those who have been supporting Perry and Sandi directly, to continue to give the work they’ve been doing.  Barnabas International exists to shepherd global workers and train global shepherds.  We seek to help create health and longevity for missionaries, mission teams, and organizations all around the world.